5 Jun 2012


ImageJakarta -- Islamic economics study community of Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIAI) UII held a comparative study for Islamic economics to several institutions at Jakarta such as Bank Indonesia, PT. Takaful Indonesia, and Indonesia Stock Exchange. The visit was being conducted on November 21-24, 2011. 
There were 42 students participating in this program. Moreover, some lecturers also accompanying the students in this comparative study program were Vice Dean of FIAI UII, Drs. Nanang Nuryanta, M.Pd., and Islamic Economic study lecturer as well, H. M. Fajar Hidayanto, H. Nur Kholis, Uzaifah and Yuli Andriansyah.

On the first day, the Islamic economics study community visited Bank of Indonesia. They were welcomed by BI’s Public Relation staff at BI theater room. In this opportunity, Iwan Kurniawan Hadiyanto, the representative of Directorate Sharia Banking of Bank Indonesia delivered a speech entitled ‘Kerangka Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia’ (The Outline for Development of Sharia Banking in Indonesia). In his speech, he stated about the prospect for development of Sharia banking in Indonesia which is becoming potential industry today. 

On the same occasion, Rudiyanto as the second speaker also delivered speech upholding theme ‘Pengelolaan Cadangan Devisa’ (The Management of Foreign Exchanges Reserves). He explained further about the management of foreign exchanges reserves mechanism and the global economics development challenge. In this opportunity, the lecturers of Islamic economics program FIAI UII also began to cooperate with Bank Indonesia relating to the development of Islamic economic in Indonesia.

The students and the lecturers also visited PT Takaful Indonesia and were warmly welcomed by the Director of PT Takaful Indonesia and its staff. In this occasion, the students got information about Sharia insurance. After visiting PT Takaful Indonesia, the students and lecturers visited Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). In this meeting, Taufiq Rahman, the representative of BEI marketing division delivered presentation about sharia securities in Indonesia. On Wednesday, November 23, 2011, the Islamic economics study community delegation also came to Indonesia Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bappepam LK).
 Souce : uii.ac.id

|Dept. Damedikom, 2011-2012|

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